Affordable Search Engine Optimization company in Bangalore

Search Engine Optimization will increase the quality and quantity of your website traffic. According to search engine land, search engines will bring you 300% more traffic than social media platforms.

One more thing that will blow your mind is 75% of the people ignore paid ads and will click on organic results. 

Now you must have understood the importance of getting #1 rank in Google. Now, that seems a challenge to most of the Search Engine Optimization companies in Bangalore including us.

That’s what all marketers understand and trying hard to achieve their rankings in search engines. Let me tell you that you have to spend zero bucks to rank your site in Google.

You may have to invest your capital in content marketing, building natural links, but it will cost you $0 to achieve #1ranking in Google. All you should have is the beautiful content, On-site SEO and Off-site SEO factors.

Google considers more than 200 factors to rank your page if you have in the tight competitive industry. Before completing those 200 factors, you will never rank your site if you are a beginner.

So how do you get the number one ranking By Search Engine Optimization?

Will the content drive you the required traffic? Of course yes, but up to some extent.

You should build natural backlinks which will Boost Your authority and trust in Google.

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), we are giving genuine SEO Services in Bangalore. A lot of people lost faith in SEO Services in Bangalore because every third guy from the industry started providing SEO services just after attending some webinars. It’s not that easy to learn SEO. Optimizing your content and website for the search engines is not an easy task practically.

You need a lot of expertise and experience in Search Engine Optimization. In our SEO company in Bangalore, we have the SEO experts who have succeeded in giving the best results to their own websites and blogs.

The only one thing we consider while optimizing the content is a quality article with quality backlinks. People spam their websites running behind the unnatural links which will harm your website.

Google officially said that One natural backlink is hundred times better than thousands of untrustworthy backlinks. Moreover, it will have a negative effect on your SEO. So why you are wasting your time and money in fake SEO services if you have the best Search Engine Optimization company in Bangalore and we call it as “High traffic Consulting”.

We built so many links, and we learnt that only a few backlinks would harm your website from our experience. Not only backlinks, but there are also other factors which we will consider as a Priority, and they are

  •  * Social media presence
  •  * Infographics
  •  * Profile creation
  •  * Engagement
  •  * Internal links
  •  * Silo structure
  •  * Title Optimization
  •  * URL structure
  •  * User-friendly content
  •  * Reader-friendly information
  •  * FAQ
  •  * Domain and page authority
  •  * External links and Technical SEO

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